SETX Senior Entertainment Discounts
Posted by Daryl Fant on Friday, April 17, 2015 · Leave a Comment
There are lots of great options when looking for Southeast Texas senior entertainment – and many offer SETX senior discounts.
Today we have compiled a list shared by readers.

Please feel free to share with other Southeast Texas seniors.
- Spindletop Gladys City Boomtown Museum: $3 Admission

Spindletop Museum Beaumont TX – $3 Senior Admission
- Art Museum of Southeast Texas: $20 Senior Membership
- Hollywood Theater. First Show $5. All Shows $6.25. Ages 60+
- Tinseltown First show $5.25. All Shows $6. Ages 62+
- Bowl Star. $1.99 per Game. 7 Days a Week. Ages 55+
- Texas Energy Museum: $3 Admission. Ages 65+
- Texas Fire Museum: FREE Admission
- Tyrell Historic Library: Extensive Historical archives on Southeast Texas, Texas, and Louisiana. FREE for Beaumont Library Patrons.
- Museum of the Gulf Coast. $3 Admission.
- Stark Museum of Art. $5 Admission.
- Stark House. $5 Admission
- Shangri La Botanical Gardens $5 Admission.
- Texas Artist Museum: FREE Admission
Do you have a favorite SETX senior entertainment discount that didn’t make today’s article?
E-mail it to or post it to our SETXseniors Facebook page and we’ll add it to a future article.
Best wishes for a wonderful week to all our active SETX seniors.

Museum of the Gulf Coast – $3 Senior Admission

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