Lumberton Lady Seniors Gather for Bunco 12/10 at First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church Lumberton hosts a monthly Bunco night for Lumberton senior ladies. Whether you are a bunco fanatic or just looking to meet up with old friends – and to make new ones, don’t miss the December 2013 Bunco night at First Baptist Lumberton. This will be a night of fun and fellowship for Lumberton Senior Ladies. When: Tuesday December 1oth Where: First Baptist Church Lumberton Time: 6pm Address: 119 Church Loop  Lumberton, TX 77657 Lumberton First... Read More

Two Ways SETX Seniors can Help Orphans

Everyone has a soft spot in their heart for orphans. No one should have to grow up without being part of a family. From the fictional Annie to the real life Wendy of the Wendy’s hamburger chain, stories of Americans helping orphans are part of our culture. For the average Southeast Texas senior citizen, it can be difficult or impossible to adopt another child. There are little things we can do to help though. One is participating in a Southeast Texas fun run that raises... Read More

International Quilt Show Returns to Houston

The International Quilt Festival is returning to Houston November first through 4th.   Thousands of world class quilts will be on display for four days. NEW THIS YEAR is a mix and mingle event. This is a great way to meet up with other quilt lovers and to socialize. The Mix and Mingle will be on Saturday November 3rd from 5:30 to 7:00pm in the ballroom lobby on the 3rd floor.  During the Mix and Mingle event hundreds of dollars in door prizes will be given out. This year, the... Read More is the only comprehensive senior lifestyle website for Southeast Texas Seniors. is dedicated to being informative to all things of concern to seniors, their families and their caregivers.