Southeast Texas Senior Activities – First Baptist Vidor Senior Ministry

Senior Ministry Southeast Texas – First Baptist Church of Vidor 1st Baptist Church in Vidor provides fun activities for Golden Triangle Seniors. For Southeast Texas senior citizens, activity = longevity. The more we are plugged into our families, enjoyable activities, and meaningful groups, the happier and healthier we are. Today’s featured Southeast Texas Senior Activity is “Encore Adults”, the senior ministry of First Baptist Church Vidor. The group offers Vidor... Read More

SETX Senior Exercise Options – Tennis Anyone? Beaumont Municipal Tennis Center

SETX Senior Exercise Options – enjoy tennis at the Beaumont Municipal Tennis Center. Today on Southeast Texas Senior Fun we take a look at the Beaumont Municipal Tennis Center. Southeast Texas Seniors are a pretty active group. We walk, we ride bikes, we swim, we do yoga and aerobics. Many of us still see ourselves as the athletes we once were. While we may never play football or box again, we don’t have to give up all of our childhood sports.  Golf, bowling, basketball,... Read More

Opportunities for Southeast Texas Senior Excercise – The Best Years Center Beaumont TX

Senior Exercise Beaumont TX – Best years Center Beaumont TX Has it been hard for you to find the right Southeast Texas senior exercise opportunities? When I was younger, I did a lot of different activities that were both a lot of fun and where I got most of my exercise. My college roommate and I would lace up our sneakers and just run in whatever direction looked good. At one point we were going three and four miles a day. At one of my first “grown up jobs” I talked... Read More is the only comprehensive senior lifestyle website for Southeast Texas Seniors. is dedicated to being informative to all things of concern to seniors, their families and their caregivers.