Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group – Preparing for SETX Veteran’s Day

Veteran Organizations in the Golden Triangle Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group For Southeast Texas Veteran’s groups, preparation for Veteran’s Day in the Golden Triangle has been going on for quite some time. For all of us in Southeast Texas, Veteran’s Day will be here soon. The Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group is already preparing.  The Southeast Texas Veterans Group is made up of volunteers who are veterans representing all branches of the US Military. This... Read More

Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group

Beaumont Area Veteran Organizations Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group would like to extend a thank-you from the Golden Triangle senior community to the Southeast Texas Veterans Service Group. The group  is made up of SETX veterans from all branches of the US Armed Forces. Their mission is to ensure all qualified Golden Triangle veterans receive final military honors. The group also makes members available to the public during Southeast Texas Veteran’s... Read More is the only comprehensive senior lifestyle website for Southeast Texas Seniors. is dedicated to being informative to all things of concern to seniors, their families and their caregivers.