Optimist Village Senior Citizen Apartments in Orange Announces Christmas Party for Residents

Optimist Village senior apartments in Orange Tx is a wonderful senior living community for Southeast Texas. They focus attention and love on their seniors year round – and provide a wonderful event for their senior residents during the holidays. Optimist Village has created a wonderful senior living community that Orange Tx senior citizens are proud to call home. Each year they gather for a holiday party at the beautiful Sunset Grove Country Club in Orange Tx. The Optimist... Read More

Orange Senior Inez Turner Celebrates 105th Birthday

Inez Turner will celebrate her 105th birthday Saturday at Optimist Village Senior Apartments in Orange. Inez may be our “senior” Southeast Texas senior. Inez was born on May 17th 1909 in Patroon Texas, near Center. At one time Patroon had had a hotel, saw and grist mills, a cotton gin, several stores, three churches, a common school, and was home to Patroon College. Now Patroon is a community of about 55 residents. Early life for Inez Turner was farm life, typical... Read More


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